The Uniforms Co


Our specialty is offering high-quality, versatile fabrics, sourced from local textile mills. The mills we work with have been short-listed based on their strict adherence to quality standards and testing.

We recognize that quality is fundamental in everything we do and we are serious about the concept.

Here is the quality journey which each of our order follows


Establish fabric safety at an initial stage is declared. Red flag is raised if the fabric has any likely inherent issues and that is likely to affect the quality of the final garment. Having come to an agreement with a client on the quality we place the bulk fabric orders.


Bulk fabric becomes ready it is tested for color fastness, tear, tensile, seam slippage, stability and toxics. Once this fabric passes the required in-house and third party testing its passed for production.


Bulk fabrics are inspected thoroughly by our fabric inspectors on American 4 point system. Only the qualified fabrics make it up to the production floor.

Here is the quality journey which each of our order follows


Fabrics are checked again for potential problems while lying at the cutting section & problems are quickly fixed if we come across any.


Garments are checked continuously by our inline inspectors for quality of sewing and problems are quickly fixed if we come across any.


Independent quality control team which does not report to the production department checks each & every style for accuracy of labels, trims, styling and quality on line. Starting from initial inspection and going up to the final inspection.

Quality process route we follow for each & every SKU produced at Cortex.

OUR Certifications