The Uniforms Co


At Cortex, We believe in a philosophy of “Love the people & Love the planet”. All our endeavors are driven by this simple yet profound statement.

With a steadfast commitment to making a positive impact, we embrace the fundamental principles of compassion, empathy, and inclusivity.

Our efforts are not solely centered around fashion and textiles; they extend far beyond, seeking to uplift and empower individuals from all walks of life. Through sustainable practices, ethical sourcing, and community engagement, we strive to foster a world where humanity thrives.

“Mindfulness, awareness to nature & people are the only way forward…”

Our vision is to build and run an ethical organization on the principles of transparency, accountability and honesty for environmentally sustainable growth, while delivering high value to our customers and creating opportunities for our employees.


  • Our goal: To provide physical and mental wellness to our workforce.

  • Our initiative: 1. We counsel our employees about the importance of a healthy mind & body.
    2. We have created wellness spaces.
    3. We arrange fitness/mindfulness coaches.

  • Our achievements: weekly yoga & mindfulness sessions for our entire workforce. Sessions are delivered by well-trained yoga and fitness coaches.
  • Audited by higgs for social and sustainable work practices, and rating for our “health and safety” parameter stood at 89.2%.


  • Our goal: To provide a safe & inclusive working atmosphere for our workforce.

  • Our initiative: From the onset of our operation, we clearly laid out this goal in our company by-laws, that there will be no discrimination on the basis of race, gender and/or sexuality. A copy of the company’s by-laws is given to each & every employee to read & understand upon joing the company.

  • Our achievement : fair & equal compensation based on merit & zero discrimination within our offices and our factory. Audited by higgs for our social and sustainable work practices, and rating for our “wages & benefits” parameter stood at 93.1% and “treatment of workforce” parameter at 99.4%.


  • Our goal: To help the weakest amongst us.

  • Our initiative: Provide financial support for education of kids of single parents in our workforce.
  • We started a training line for semi-skilled & un-skilled workers.

  • Our achievements: We support 35 employees who are single parents, for their kid’s education. In 2022, we have trained 25 semi skilled & unskilled workers.
  • Our “worker involvement” and “Working hours” parameter stood at 94.7% & 82.4% respectively, in higgs audit data for sustainable work practices.


  • Our goal: To empower our multi-cultural team members to be 100% confident in communicating with people across the globe.

  • Our initiative : To hire a native english teacher from the united states to work closely with our team members in order to help them improve their expression, comprehension & to give them a better understanding of the western cultural context.

  • Our achievements : We have successfully on-boarded over a dozen team members in this personal program in 2022. They have all shown significant progress.

Compassion External Goals

  • Our goal: to help the weakest members in society to get educated which will lead to upward mobility.

  • Our initiative: we provide monthly funding to a non-profit organization “voice of slum”, based in india, which helps educate children of slum dwellers who can not afford it. We are one of the major donors for “voice of slum”.

  • Our achievements: as of now, a total of 70 kids from slums have been admitted to a “voice of slum” school in 2022.
    Based on merits, a total of 4 kids have been admitted to one of the top schools in new delhi/india.


  • Our goal: is to inspire young individuals to have a sneak peak into the journey of fashion and to ignite the spark of interest in those creative minds.

  • Our initiative: we have scripted a very interesting article called “the journey of fashion” & a introductory video that describes the whole process of apparel making & fashion. We are reaching out to various educational institutes to arrange field trips to our factory. We are committed to plan at least 2 field trips per year from local educational institutes to our facilities to inspire & educate kids about the fashion industry.

  • Our achievements: we have planned an educational trip for “green shoot international school, vietnam” on 31/jan/2023. We endeavor to create a hands-on experience for those creative minds.


We welcome your thoughts, ideas and opinions on our ongoing work